GrowNOW ADHD Resources

GrowNOW ADHD Provides Expert Parent Coaching and Executive Function Resources

Get a Screentime Plan That Works for Your Family

Learn the facts about video games and screen usage and how it affects executive function. Develop a plan for managing screen time and learn how to set up parental controls.

  • Walkthrough on how to set up controls for most devices
  • Adaptable for any Family
  • Helpful worksheets are included!

Screentime Plan Signup

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Around the Web

Follow Mike on Social Media

Mike talks about how greater self-awareness is a key tool for someone with ADHD.

Mike explains what can lead to an argument vortex and why it is crucial for parents to step into their authority.

Mike talks about the 3 main reasons kids with ADHD struggle with self-motivation.

Helpful Podcasts

Listen to Mike On These Podcasts

Recommendations & Partners

Additional Resources

ADHD Dude Membership

adhd dude membership logo

The ADHD Dude membership site consists of ADHD Dude webinars designed specifically for parents of kids with ADHD.

ADHD Dude Membership site ->

Clarifi Desktop Application

clarifi resource page

The Clarifi software tool helps students complete more homework with greater independence and efficiency. Check out how Clarifi works for your family with a Free trial.

Comprehensive ADHD, Autism, and Learning Disorder Evaluations

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The Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Media, PA offers the most comprehensive and accurate ADHD, Autism, and Learning Disorder evaluations for children and teens.  

ADHD Testing Information:

Autism Testing Information:

Learning Disorder Testing Information: